The 14th Annual Barrington Country Garden and Antique Faire was a wonderful two day event on June 13th and 14th, 2014. In the history of the faire Hands of Hope has raised nearly $4 million dollars by attendees and donors. Hands of Hope is a 100% volunteer-run organization, and the funds go to improving the lives of the impoverished in Africa. The organization focuses on improving agriculture, water supply, as well as ensuring access to health care and education.
The Garden's Faire's French Market showcased about 20 outside vendors, and the Farmhouse was staged with unique furniture. In the cottage they featured jewelry, purses, and other home and fashion accessories.
My favorite part of the Faire was the beautifully decorated gardens with different vignettes.
Celeste Jackson designed a “Herb-Inspired Bridal Shower for Juliette” by the main pool; Michelle D"Arcy of Horticultural Associates staged a "Midsummer's Dream" in the garden; Lori Lennon transformed the main garden's gazebo with an amazing display called Crystal Garden Elegance; Toms-Price developed a French-themed “Salle de Soliel”; and Event planner Christina Currie Events created an Enchanted Garden Wedding Vignette in the greenhouse that was absolutely dreamy with orchids and a crystal chandelier.
Featuring Lori Lennon
Toms Price Home Furnishings
Michelle D'Arcy Horticultural Associates
Christina Currie Events
Celeste Jackson Interiors LTD
Another feature was the wonderful workshops.
“Floral Inspiration” with Glen Egeland, Barrington Flower Shop:
Glen Egeland, owner of Barrington Flower Shop, shared his expertise and advice on how to use personal inspiration to create your own fabulous floral arrangements.
“Rescue, Restore, Redecorate with Style” with Debra Phillips, SG Geneva (aka Scentimental Gardens):
Debra Phillips, Master Gardener and owner of SG Geneva, taught attendees how to transform old, outdated furniture, lighting, mirrors and accessories into upscale design elements by using the Amy Howard at Home One Step Paint process – no stripping, no sanding, no priming – just beautiful new home décor to grace your home!
“Summer Salad Surprises” with Kelly Donlea, Organizing Dinner:
Kelly Donlea, chef, author and owner of Organizing Dinner, hosted demonstrations incorporating a variety of summer garden vegetables into deliciously easy salads to sample and savor.
“Take a Walk on the Wild Side” with Ron Zick, Wild Birds Unlimited:
Join Ron Zick, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited, on a behind-the-scenes tour to explore the special wild bird habitat of the English Garden property.
The Faire was an amazing two day event that goes towards a great cause. If you would like more information about the Hands for Hope organization, click here.